I have seen powerful, long lasting changes from the power of EMDR, personally and professionally. I truly believe this unique form of therapy can be the answer to healing.

Research suggests that EMDRs effectiveness may be linked to the mechanisms in Rapid Eye Movement, similar to sleep. By reproducing the brain’s natural processing method, we can facilitate adaptive trauma resolution by desensitizing traumatic experiences and integrating strengths.

EMDR Therapy

What is EMDR?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a powerful approach to treating and healing traumatic experiences. This structured therapy approach encourages you to briefly focus on a traumatic memory while engaging in guided bilateral stimulation, generally eye movements or tapping.

Benefits of EMDR

EMDR has been proven effective for a wide range of issues, especially trauma.

Benefits include:

  • Reduction in distress associated with traumatic memories and events

  • Improved perception of self and self-esteem

  • Alleviation of PTSD symptoms, including flashbacks and nightmares

  • Reduced anxiety and depression

  • Enhanced emotional regulation

What to Expect

EMDR is usually delivered in weekly sessions. We will begin the therapeutic relationship by getting to know each other, identifying needs, and identifying goals. Once the therapeutic relationship is solid, we will complete resourcing— EMDR-specific coping and self-soothing skill building. After preparing, we will plan for the memories you wish to desensitize and heal. During reprocessing sessions, you’ll focus on a specific traumatic memory or belief, incorporate guided bilateral stimulation, and let your mind free associate. We will work throughout the session until we run out of time or the memory is desensitized.